Profile: Pran UHT Milk is a sister concern of Pran Group. The
product is UHT processed and pasteurized full cream liquid milk.
Objective of Pran UHT
milks’ Iftar Sharing in Ramadan” ad campaign is Reminder the customer. It helps
to maintain cutomer relationships and keep consumers thinking about the product
Advertising Budget
Advertising Budget is the
dollars and other resources allocated to a product or company advertising
program. The advertiser uses objective and tusk method for budgeting the ad campaign.
This budgeting entails defining specific promotion objectives, determining the
tasks needed to achieve these objectives and estimating the costs of performing
these tasks. The sum of these costs is the proposed promotion budget.
Developing Massage strategy
Compassion, Kindness and
Generosity. Ramadan is a month that reaches it all. But how much do we really
show when on the giving end? When the important of a person is determined by
their social status, this biggest challenge is to strike balance and bringing
them on the same platform. We needed to the true essence of Ramadan in an
innovative but engaging way. We keeping the brand throughout the Ramadan. We
told the story about person from different woks of life adapting a script story
telling technique. After word, marge their life with the Ajan. Then the boss
said his employ “Osman, you also sit with me for Iftar”. This merger portrays
two significant Facts. Islam is religion of harmony that treats equally. This
Ramadan teaches us compassion and inspires us to be a bigger person. This ad
hit our hurt, head and then action.
Advertising Evolution
Communication Impact: the advertiser followed that they get great response from the customer. 105k like, 1.8k comment, 2 million views.
and profit Impact: The company get good response from the
customer. This affect increases the sales and profit.